1. Winter
storms on the Llano Estacado are called? A. howling westerlies B. blue northers
C. banshees of the baldies D. scuzzy sandstorms
2. John
Bullis led which group? A. Lipan
scouts B. Tonkawa scouts C. Seminole
Negro scouts D. Texas Rangers
3. The
Indian tribe that preserved the customs of the sweat lodge is? A. Apache B. Cherokee C. Lakota Souix D. Pawnee
4. Dodder
is a wildflower that looks like? A. a clump of yellow string B. a mass of green
thorns around a waxy flower C. a yellow daisy D. a brillo pad
5. Cotton
picking is? A. picking the flowers B. removing the boll of cotton at the stem
C. removing the lint from the boll D. weeding a cotton field
6. Endemic
plants are A. plants that only live in one small area of the world B. plants
that carry disease C. plants with medicinal uses D. are plants used by animals
7. The
river that runs through Coke County is? A. Brazos B. Concho C. Colorado D.
8. The
camps of the Comanche Indians were usually found? A. on the west side of the
Llano Estacado B. on the Pecos River C. On the San Saba River D. along the
eastern side of the Llano Estacado, below the caprock
9. The
Llano Estacado became the world’s most prolific cotton producing region in?
A.1937 B. 1957 C. 1947 D. 1967
10. The
Chihuahuan Desert Research Institute’s arboretum is? A. in Chihuahua Mexico B.
in Alpine C. in Presidio D. in between
Fort Davis and Alpine
11. German
settlers created orderly towns throughout Texas, and the nearest to Midland
is A.
Fredericksburg B. Nazareth C. Windthorst D. New Braunfels
12. At
the Davis Mountains State Park, a person can see? A. Pinetrees and nightjars B.
Cactus and cactus wrens C. Oak trees and phainopeplas D. Mesquite trees and
painted buntings
13. Which
institution of higher learning “southwest collections” is producing a
photographic exhibit of the Llano Estacado? A. Angelo State? B. UTPB? C. Texas
Tech D. College of the Southwest in Hobbs
14. Chihuahuan
ravens are? A. the noisy black birds with long tails B. the big black birds
that most commonly perch on telephone poles to the northwest of Midland C. the
small black birds that whirl in flocks of 10,000 around livestock feeding areas
D. the black birds that get iridescent speckles on their chest in their
breeding plumages
15. Landfarms
are places where? A. road materials are
dug out of the ground B. where topsoil is produced for sale C. organic material
recycling and composting facilities D. where petroleum or salt contaminated
soil is remediated
16. The
wonderful drought adapted ornamental plants Bouvardia and esparanza are found
growing wild in which mountain range? A. Davis Mountains B. Guadalupe Mountains
C. Delaware Mountains D. Sacramento Mountains
17. The South Plains Wildlife Rehabilitation
Center is in? A. Midland B. Odessa C. San Angelo D. Lubbock
18. Halophytic
and gypsophilic plants grow in? A. sanddunes B. draw bottoms C. clay playa
basins D. salt playa basins
19. Killdeer
and nighthawks are among the creatures that prefer the habitat of? A. the urban
forest B. oil well pads C. the pocket forests of the Llano Estacado draws D.
Mesquite brushland
20. Frank
Buckalew was a captive in 1866 of which Indian tribe? A. Kickapoo B. Comanche
C. Tonkawa D. Lipan Apache
21. Lubbock
Lake Landmark preserves? A. the site of the Yellowhouse Canyon fight between
buffalo hunters and Comanches B. Francisco Coronado’s winter camp in 1541 C.
fossils of Triassic age dinosaurs D. fossils of Pleistocene animals
22. Caprylic
acid is produced by? A. stink beetles B. oak leaves C. ants D. skunks
23. In
the Monahans State Park a person can find? A. gum bumelia trees B. pinyon pine
C. willow trees D. live oaks
24. The
Texon Scar is? A. where a meteorite hit B. a practice bombing range of World
War II C. where windblown sand collected during the Pleistocene D. where salt
water from early oil wells ruined land
25. Which
of the following does not happen after a rainstorm in west Texas? A. red
rainbugs walk on the ground B. millipedes come out of ant holes C. termites
swarm by the billion D. lady bugs appear by the thousands
26. Jane
Gilmore Rushing wrote books about life near? A. Snyder B. Lubbock C. Monahans
D. Pecos
27. Ethie
Eagleton started which town’s historical museum? A. Stanton B. Midland C.
O’Donnell D. McCamey
28. The
individual that serves as the sentinel in a coterie of prairie dogs is? A. the oldest male B. the oldest female C.
the female with the most babies D. a female without babies
29. Select
the one predator of the following that does not attack bird nests in
trees? A. Kingsnakes B. Gray foxes C. Grackles D. Red foxes
30. Which
is the improper translation of the following Spanish words? A. Trompillo –
purple nightshade B. Popotillo – Mormon tea C. Mimbres -- mesquite D. Alamo --
31. Lagunas
Sabinas is the Comanchero name for which salt lake? A. Shafter Lake B. Tahoka
Lake C. Pleasure Lake D. Cedar
32. Gomez
Peak at the northern end of the Davis Mountains was named for? A. the first
person to dig irrigation canals along the Pecos River B. a Texas Ranger C. a
Mescalero Apache chief D. the first Hispanic member of the Texas State
33. What
business establishment in Girvin, Texas was written about in Texas Monthly? A.
the new post office B. the old school that is now a community center C. the
power plant D. the social club
34. Muchaque
Peak is near ? A. a favorite winter camp of Quanah Parker B. on the famous
black rancher 80 John Wallace’s land C. Horsehead Crossing D. Rath City – a
buffalo hunter’s depot in the 1870’s
35. The
name of the railroad built by Andrew Fasken was? A. The Midland-Hobbs Railway
B. Midland and Northwestern Railroad C. Texas and New Mexico Railroad D.
Midland to Smackover Railroad
36. Which
of the following is not one of
the reasons Hispanic settlers came to west Texas before 1940? A. to build railroads B. to work in cotton
fields C. to work in the oilfield D. to build the brick streets of the towns of
the region
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